Hillrom Spot 4400 Vital Signs Monitor with NIBP and Suretemp Thermometry

SKU: 44XT-6
Sale price$2,492.32

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The Hillrom Spot 4400 Vital Signs Monitor with NIBP and Suretemp Thermometry is a very easy-to use, simple, spot check solution equipped with built in Blood Pressure (BP) Averaging capabilities to help ensure accurate Hypertension detection. The Hillrom Spot 4400 Vital Signs Monitor is intended for use in care settings that require spot check functionality and basic, or no EMR connectivity out of their device. Ideal care settings are the Physician Office, Inpatient Triage and Post-Acute Care Centers, Renal, Aged-care and Home Care.

Hillrom Spot 4400 Vital Signs Monitor Features:
• SureBP® technology, capable of a 15-second BP determination
• One pre-programmed, fully customizable BP averaging program
• Built-in SureTemp® Plus thermometry
• Easy-to-use colour touchscreen display
• USB EMR connectivity