Buy Podiatry Instruments from Medilogic
Podiatry is a greatly valued medical practice with a huge demand for top-grade podiatry instruments that help to maintain foot health. Medilogic serves to fulfil this demand with its wide range of quality podiatry supplies. With a ready stock of over 100,000 medical products that include consumables, medical equipment, medical furniture, surgical instruments, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, we bring global brands like Armo, Hipp and Sayco to podiatric professionals across Australia.
Check out some of the tools you will find at our one-stop e-commerce store.
Nail Nippers
Nail nippers are essential podiatry instruments for cutting toenails that come in a large variety of shapes and sizes. We stock narrow and wide blades, straight and curved edges, spring and leaf coils and with and without locks. These versatile nail nippers can handle the toughest toenails as well as the small ones in tight spots.
Nail Splitters
A nail splitter is used for making longitudinal cuts in nails. This an operation that requires utmost precision and care. With the fine-quality nail splitters that we supply at Medilogic, even that becomes a walk in the park.
Cuticle Cutters
Podiatric cuticle cutters help remove soft tissues like cuticles from around the nails. Medilogic is known for providing surgical-grade cuticle cutters to ensure that your podiatric procedure goes perfectly every time.
Files and Rasps
Medilogic knows that no podiatry supplies stock is complete without some premium files and rasps, which are crucial for sculpting the edges and surfaces of nails and bones. We have both fine and coarse rasps for the exact kind of filing you need.
Freer Elevators
Medilogic also supplies freer elevators, a podiatry instrument used in freeing the nail from the soft tissue. Our blunt freer elevators are perfect for all types of nail avulsion surgeries and guarantee precise operation every time.
Podiatry Equipment Supplier
Medilogic, with its efficient supply chain and impressive agility, is dedicated to fulfilling the needs of every Australian medical professional in medical centres, aged care facilities, hospitals and other healthcare specialties. We ensure that podiatry supplies of only the best quality reach our valuable customers like you. Medilogic understands that podiatry is quite an advanced field in Australia and we do our best to meet the demand for high-quality podiatry equipment across the country.
We are the industry leaders in the bulk supply of podiatry instruments and our roster of high-profile clients is proof of our reliability in the field.